Dementia7 Studios llc in association with project A-Kon 14, will
be premiering the initial 10-12 minutes of our upcoming feature
D7Peacemaker© - Prodigal Child, in the 2d animatic format.
We will also discuss our future projects which includes a sequel
D7Peacemaker© - Stage 1, in the 2d still animation format on
DVD entitled 'D7Peacemaker© - Angel's Cry. We will also be
displaying our A-Kon exclusive artwork along with other exclusive
merchandise. For more info on the convention, please see http://a-kon.com
On yet another
note we are currently revising the storyline for a more expanded
OMC [Online Manga Comic] which we should be showing more of in the
coming weeks. This will be a revised version of D7Peacemaker - Stage
1 comprising around 30 2-3minute episodes. Folks who have already
purchased a DVD can send us the UPC code on the back of the DVD
to recieve special items such as the episodes in a Zip file for
download, along with some preview artowork of the coming DVD Angel's
For more information
on Stage 1 you can enter D7Peacemaker.com then goto the Shop section
to view trailers, synopsis and more. Or to purchase directly, you
may follow this
link to the site. |